for Teen

For campers, please complete all 3 forms below to complete registration (Camper's, Parent's and Boxwood's).
Counselors, please complete the Counselor's Form and Boxwood's Assumption of Risk form.



COST: Because of a gracious donor, the cost for teen camp is just $100.00/camper. Payment may be received...
-  In the offering plate at church marked "Teen Camp" with your camper's name. (Registration fees will not be added to your Contribution Statement.)
- Mailed to:   P.O. Box 1478, Tomball, TX 77377
- Online using the link above.
Boxwoods on Lake Livingston (site)
500 Lazy Lane, Livingston, TX 77351
  • Bedding (pillow, bedding for twin bunk) 
  • Towels & Washcloths
  • Toiletries (showers & bathrooms are outside the dorms at Boxwoods)
  • KJV Bible, Pen & Notebook
  • Bug Spray & Sunscreen
  • Flashlight (optional) 
  • Snack money
  • Appropriate clothing and shoes
    (Campers will need activity clothes and pajamas for at least four days/nights, nicer clothes for church services, as well as modest, dark-colored water activity clothes.) 
Visit Boxwood's website for a full list of potential activities, games and water sports.

Teen Camp Registration

For campers, please complete all 3 forms below to complete registration (Camper's, Parent's and Boxwood's).
Counselors, please complete the Counselor's Form and Boxwood's Assumption of Risk form.



COST: Because of a gracious donor, the cost for teen camp is just $100.00/camper.
Payment may be received...
-  In the offering plate at church marked "Teen Camp" with your camper's name. (Registration fees will not be added to your Contribution Statement.)
- Mailed to:   P.O. Box 1478, Tomball, TX 77377
- Online using the link above.
Boxwoods on Lake Livingston (site)
500 Lazy Lane, Livingston, TX 77351
  • Bedding (pillow, bedding for twin bunk) 
  • Towels & Washcloths
  • Toiletries (showers & bathrooms are outside the dorms at Boxwoods)
  • KJV Bible, Pen & Notebook
  • Bug Spray & Sunscreen
  • Flashlight (optional) 
  • Snack money
  • Appropriate clothing and shoes
    (Campers will need activity clothes and pajamas for at least four days/nights, nicer clothes for church services, as well as modest, dark-colored water activity clothes.) 
Visit Boxwood's website for a full list of potential activities, games and water sports.

Teen Camp Registration

For campers, please complete all 3 forms below to complete registration (Camper's, Parent's and Boxwood's).
Counselors, please complete the Counselor's Form and Boxwood's Assumption of Risk form.



Because of a gracious donor, the cost for teen camp is just $100.00/camper. Payment may be received...
-  In the offering plate at church marked "Teen Camp" with your camper's name. (Registration fees will not be added to your Contribution Statement.)
- Mailed to:   P.O. Box 1478, Tomball, TX 77377
- Online using the link above.
Boxwoods on Lake Livingston (site)
500 Lazy Lane, Livingston, TX 77351
  • Bedding (pillow, bedding for twin bunk) 
  • Towels & Washcloths
  • Toiletries (showers & bathrooms are outside the dorms at Boxwoods)
  • KJV Bible, Pen & Notebook
  • Bug Spray & Sunscreen
  • Flashlight (optional) 
  • Snack money
  • Appropriate clothing and shoes
    (Campers will need activity clothes and pajamas for at least four days/nights, nicer clothes for church services, as well as modest, dark-colored water activity clothes.) 
Visit Boxwood's website for a full list of potential activities, games and water sports.